Hunter Employee Relations Client Services

Our clients use us to help in five key areas:

Guiding Managers Through Employee Relations Issues

The rules in the Fair Work system are complex and managers often lack the know-how and confidence to address workplace problems. To effectively counsel their employees.

Hunter Employee Relations can assist you to:

  • Deal with issues such as persistent lateness, absenteeism, hours of work disputes, drugs and alcohol, fitness for work etc.
  • Undertake fair counselling and warning processes.
  • Respond to and manage incidents of workplace bullying and harassment.


Disciplinary Warnings, Terminations & Fair Work Claims

Attending proceedings in the Fair Work Commission, the Federal Court or various state and federal tribunals can be stressful, expensive and are to be avoided.

Current and former employees have a range of available legal options against employers: Unfair Dismissal, Adverse Action, General Protections, Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination claims.

Get it wrong and your business could be liable for a large compensation payment or a reinstatement order. Which could well include the cost of the intervening wages lost.

Hunter Employee Relations can minimise your business risk in this complex legal area by:

  • Assisting you in the preparation of comprehensive warning letters.
  • Management of the termination steps to minimise the risk of claims.
  • Representing your business in Fair Work Commission or Tribunal proceedings.


Interpretation & Compliance

The Fair Work system is legally complex. The following, and a lot more, apply to your business and your employees:

  • Modern Awards
  • The National Employment Standards
  • The Fair Work Act

Despite their best efforts employers often get it wrong.

Hunter Employee Relations assists clients:

  • To pay their employees correctly.
  • By undertaking an hour of work and wages compliance review.
  • To develop cost-effective hours of work arrangements to suit business needs.

Avoid underpayment backpay, reputational damage and prosecution by the Fair Work Ombudsman.


Enterprise Agreements

Negotiating or renewing and enterprise agreement is a delicate balancing act between improving workplace effectiveness and complying with a range of Fair Work rules and regulations. Miss one important step and the Agreement may be instantly rejected.

Hunter Employee Relations can assist your business with enterprise agreements through:

  • Agreement drafting compliance in accordance with Fair Work requirements.
  • Proactive management of the negotiation process or leading negotiations on your behalf.
  • Managing the employee vote, Fair Work document preparation and lodgement.
  • The variation or removal of current or expired agreements.


Workplace Investigations

Hunter Employee Relations undertakes investigations into a range of matters including workplace bullying, harassment and other incidents that could lead to disciplinary action or termination. Such investigations are carried out in a professional manner to assist employers to make the right decisions.



We also provide Business Performance Improvement Services

Improving Employee & Operational Performance Strategies - Practical guidance to improve your workplace performance considering legal and Fair Work requirements. This includes changing ineffective work practices, setting expectations, standards and goals and organisational restructures and redundancies.

Employment Contracts - Protect your business and outline employee performance expectations with our comprehensive common law employment contract templates.

Policies & Procedures - Correctly drafted and implemented, policies and procedures can be an important tool to clarify obligations and entitlements.

Bullying, Harassment & Discrimination - The ‘we were just having a little fun’ excuse for bullying and harassment can result in psychological damage for the individual AND a substantial compensation award against the employer. Implement a preventative program to reduce the risk in your workplace.

Position Descriptions - Develop effective position descriptions to clarify position accountabilities, assist with formal and informal appraisals, and improve overall business performance.

Eight Enterprise Agreements across our Group – the process went very smoothly.

ATB Morton is a vertically integrated construction business with a range of different work environments. We engaged Hunter Employee Relations to develop eight Enterprise Agreements across our diverse group of companies.

Michael’s professional approach and sound knowledge of the legal complexities of the Fair Work Act, ensured the process went very smoothly.

John Dodd , Group Resources Manager, ATB Morton Group of Companies