• Misconduct & Policy Breaches
• Bullying & Sexual Harassment
• Safety Breaches
• Attitude & Performance Issues
Professional, Independent Workplace Investigations
Why Investigate?
From a legal perspective and to maintain a positive workplace culture misconduct and policy breaches must be investigated in a comprehensive and professional manner.
• Unfair Dismissal & Adverse Action
Undertaking an investigation before terminating an employee provides employers with an improved ability to defend unfair dismissal and adverse action claims. You may just have the ability to confidently respond with ‘see you in Court’ to the employee’s ‘no win no fee’ solicitors rather than pay a large settlement.
• Sexual Harassment & Hostile Workplace Environment
Given the substantial legal compensation claims around sexual harassment (and Federal Court proceedings where a settlement is not achieved) employers must respond to all sexual harassment claims in a professional manner. You must determine exactly what happened to respond to such a claim in an effective manner. Hunter ER Update
In any matter the Australian Human Rights Commission will closely examine, and take into account, an employer’s response to sexual harassment allegations –apart from the incident itself.
• Safety Investigations
How you respond to significant safety policy breaches shows employees whether you are serious or not about their safety at work.
• Encouraging A Positive Workplace Culture & Prevention
Responding to a workplace incident with a proper investigation lets employees know what kind of behaviours you are willing to tolerate and the culture you are wanting to build.
To discuss your potential workplace investigation needs please contact me at any time.
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Kind Regards
Michael Schmidt
M 0438 129 728
[email protected]
Industrial Relations - Employment Law - Workplace Performance