Recommended Workplace Policies

10 October, 2024

Unless you have a business with specific areas of concern you don’t require many workplace policies.

Hunter Employee Relations recommends the following workplace policies for small to medium businesses.

Leave Management – National Employment Standards

Employers and employees have difficulty keeping track of the multiple forms of leave under the NES. We have developed one easy to read policy document which includes all the leave types, who is entitled and how they may be accessed. Written in a user-friendly Q&A format this can assist managers and employees alike to understand and access leave entitlements.  More info


Respect at Work

Many employers first find out they have a sexual harassment claim when they receive the formal Human Rights Commission claim followed closely by an expensive letter of demand from the employee’s solicitor.

In 30+ years of assisting employers I have never seen a cheap sexual harassment compensation demand. We are talking legal claims of $70-$80k. Having a comprehensive Respect at Work Policy is an essential step to minimise an employer’s exposure. More information.


Code of Conduct
A comprehensive Code of Conduct provides a solid foundation for future disciplinary and termination processes. While best attached to a new employment contract they can also be a stand-alone policy.

A current Code of Conduct can be used to realign your workplace culture, or it can sit quietly in the background and become very useful when its really needed.


Employee Grievance
Hunter Employee Relations developed this policy to assist employees with a grievance to follow in house steps to resolve their concerns rather than seek external legal advice. When ‘no win-no fee’ solicitors become involved the focus shifts from resolving the concern to demanding compensation from the employer.

Please note solicitors do not make cheap compensation claims. Therefore, resolving the matters at the workplace and at the workplace should be our key focus.


Work Health and Safety
This generic WHS policy is suitable for small to medium businesses that do not have specific health and safety risks. It includes a section on employees attending for work in a fit and unaffected condition. The Policy can be updated for employers who wish to address any specific local safety or health concerns.


Additional Policies & Procedures Drafting Assistance
Where there are particular workplace circumstances or concerns, we can assist in reviewing or drafting focussed policies and procedures.

For example, where you have suspicions employees may be attending work under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs, a detailed policy can be put in place for that.

Please contact me to discuss particular issues or wish to have an obligation free discussion of the above recommended policies or our employment contract templates.


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Kind Regards
Michael Schmidt
M 0438 129 728
[email protected]

Industrial Relations - Employment Law - Workplace Performance


1 ER Update button 2 ER Service button 3 Monthly Update button
4 Emt Contract button 5 Code of Conduct button 6 ER Key Policies button
7 Bully Harass Guide button 8 Casual Emt Guide button 9 Work Investigations button







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  • Identifying bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment) and discrimination
  • Understanding an employer’s legal obligations and liability
  • How to respond appropriately
  • The new positive prevention duty on all employers.