Hunter Employee Relations has developed a Leave Policy which includes consolidated leave information from the National Employment Standards on the following in one policy document:
- Annual Leave
- Sick & Carer’s Leave
- Compassionate Leave
- Family & Domestic Violence Leave
- Community Service Leave – Voluntary Emergency Activities
- Community Service Leave – Jury Service
- Long Service Leave
- Parental Leave
Simplified Question & Answer Format
- How much leave is available
- Who does it apply to
- How can it be taken
- Employers can tailor the policy with their specific requirements
Example - The NES is silent on providing evidence or medical certificates for absences due to illness. To assist employers, we have included the following recommended policy wording in blue font:
What evidence is required for taking sick or carer’s leave?
The employee can take 3 single days sick or carer’s leave in each employment year without the need to provide evidence.
In the following situations an employee is required to provide a medical certificate for all sick leave or carer’s leave absences – unless otherwise agreed to with their immediate supervisor.
Any sick or carers leave:
- in excess of 3 single days per employment anniversary year
- taken immediately adjoining a non-working day (i.e. a non-rostered day, public holiday, Saturday or Sunday, or annual or long service leave)
- taken as a block of multiple days
- taken as unpaid sick or carer’s leave
Where an employee regularly utilises their sick or carer’s leave entitlement, they may be requested to provide a medical certificate for each absence.
If you wish to purchase a copy of the consolidated Leave Polices, please contact Hunter Employee Relations.
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Kind Regards
Michael Schmidt
M 0438 129 728
[email protected]
Industrial Relations - Employment Law - Workplace Performance