Did you know that many senior managers only become aware sexual harassment has occurred at their workplace when they receive the formal notification from the Australian Human Rights Commission followed closely by an expensive letter of demand from the employee’s ‘no win – no fee’ solicitor.
In 30+ years of assisting employers I have never seen a cheap sexual harassment legal compensation demand. We are talking claims of $70-$80k.
Senior management need to educate themselves on this important area of workplace law.
Hunter Employee Relations has developed a comprehensive user-friendly Employer Guide designed for senior managers on the complex legal area of bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination.
Sexual Harassment
- Legal options for employees
- Recent changes requiring positive action by employers to eliminate sexual harassment
- What types of behaviours could be classed as sexual harassment
- Sexual harassment away from the workplace
- Responding to a claim of sexual harassment
Workplace Bullying
- Legal options for employees
- What types of behaviours may be workplace bullying
- Employees claiming bullying when being performance managed
- Responding to bullying claims
Workplace Harassment
- Classes of persons who can be harassed – legally.
- Examples of harassing behaviours
Discrimination & Equal Opportunity - What management decisions related to an employee’s personal factors could trigger discrimination
Employer Actions
- Minimising Risk
- How to respond to the positive legal duty to eliminate sexual harassment from your workplace
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Kind Regards
Michael Schmidt
M 0438 129 728
[email protected]
Industrial Relations - Employment Law - Workplace Performance